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10(ish) Great, Big Things I Learned While Spending 2 Days With Joe Polish

Joe Polish, the amazing entrepreneur, marketer, and philanthropist on the left. Chip Franks, the guy with the messed up collar on the right.

Take action immediately. When Joe gets an actionable idea, he literally picks up his ever-present iPhone and dictates a voice message to the person needed to move something along. He doesn't wait, he just pulls out the phone and does it. A quick example: Joe finished a Skype call with pop music and movie star Natalie Imbruglia. He's helping her with her cause of stopping Fistula (look it up, it's a terrible and PREVENTABLE injury) in Africa. He does things like this regularly without a lot of fanfare, actually. He brainstormed several ideas on how to help the of them being to write a short book about the problem, to define what the problem is, and how people can help the cause. Immediately after the call, he's on his phone calling Dean Jackson, his good friend that runs He connected the two right away, and got the ball rolling within 10 minutes after the call with Ms. Imbruglia.

Be as gracious as possible, to a point. I have to say that Joe is an insanely gracious person, and it goes beyond paying for dinner (which he did, over $225 for the four of us...thank you, Joe). He was willing to pay for the Fistula book (Dean did it pro bono right out of the gate), as well, for Natalie (who also offered to pay...are you seeing a pattern amongst these folks?). Now, I don't want to get him in trouble by everyone asking, but he also gave me at least $2,000 worth of books, DVDs, CDs, and Marketing Courses...which I'm going to study like crazy to make some lofty goals actually happen. If you’re the kind of person reading this, you probably already know all about the wondrous Law of Reciprocity. When you give, you get--and life has a way of rewarding those that give. And nearly always, you'll get back more than you give. Life is cool like that. I have to say along with this, too--I learned that Joe doesn't suffer people that continually take without giving, either. We had a little conversation about that, and at some point, if someone keeps taking and taking, Joe doesn't want to deal with them. If they are like that, and you continually allow it, then you become an enabler. But if you give, with a gracious heart--you will certainly be blessed.

Be REAL AND AUTHENTIC. This is big. I don't know how many of you have met a hero of yours in real life and are disappointed because what they say differs tremendously from what they do. Or, if they're really likeable in public, but somewhat douchey in person? Well, Joe is exactly as you'd imagine the guy to be. There doesn't seem to be any air of superiority about the man, which is refreshing for someone as accomplished as him. WYSIWYG with Joe Polish! This is kind of funny, but I got a text from a mutual friend of Joe and mine while I was leaving in the airport. The friend said (about working with Joe), "Well you are in for a treat! Joe is as real as they come. Honest and is just himself, which is something I respect more than, 'hot air, mighty me, BS,' you know what I mean!" Yes, I think we all know what you mean. The thing I see about the fact that Joe is himself, and doesn't put on airs--is that he's really likeable and approachable. It makes everyone feel comfortable, and I imagine that people want to work with him that much more. I have a little trouble with folks that are one way while working, and another way in their private lives. It's like they're living a lie, and in some cases, perpetuating it when they teach. Be you. Even if you feel the, "real you," isn't as cool or sophisticated than the professional fake. Added bonus: you won't waste as much energy when you're not living a lie.

Be different, and memorable. I don't know if you've ever seen Joe's Piranha Marketing office, but it is truly spectacular. I haven't seen one like it on the planet. Some of this is better expressed in pictures, you go: 


A Giant Piranha greets you when you walk into the office.

A Floating Pod. In an OFFICE! How cool is this?!

Elves (for an ELF business), skeletons, and De-Motivational's all good.

The Best Urinal...ever.

Cool, right?! Think about how many offices you've been in during your life. How many of those make an impression that you really remember? It's so easy to do something extra that separates you from the masses. Oftentimes, it doesn't even cost that much. Other times, like in your communication with your Clients--it's free to be different, show personality and make a lasting impression. I would argue that personality sells and makes a better impression any day than dry, boring, yet, "professional." Oh, if some folks don't like it? That's fine. See #3. If you're doing all of the other things on here, you won't have to worry about losing those stuffy malcontents, anyways.

Learn like a freaking maniac! Joe Polish reads. He listens. He studies. When I got a chance to see his professional library, I was amazed. I shouldn't have been, though. You can hear the breadth of knowledge when you listen to Joe on his I Love Marketing podcast, or his marketing courses. Here's a picture of the grand library in question.

There are SO many more books, DVD and Audio Programs not even pictured. It's amazing.

I literally feel smarter by standing in the room, feeling all of that wisdom wash over me. Spending time with him, he references books and ideas from certain people often. That knowledge has fueled his success to this point, and will certainly lead to even bigger blessings and impacts down the road. I can pretty well guarantee that he’s forgotten more marketing and business building info than most everyone on the planet has ever learned. The impressive thing is, he keeps going and doesn’t rest. Take his example. Listen to podcasts. Order the courses. Read the books. Be mentored by genius.

Eat for fuel, and stay in great shape! I ate better, and more healthy than I have in…well, maybe ever...when I was with Joe. He works out intensely, and he refuses to put crap into his body. He’s one strong, wiry, guy. He’s lean and muscular and is bustling with energy. One comment he mentioned during a presentation was a conversation he had many years ago. The person talking to Joe said, “If you have a million dollar race horse, you wouldn’t feed him poorly, let him stay up all hours, and operate at less than an optimum state.” I’m paraphrasing a bit, but you get the idea. Why would you allow yourself—worth much more than any horse—to do that? You shouldn’t put up with that nonsense. I got to go grocery shopping with Joe, and he reads labels, and makes sure he doesn’t put hormones and unnecessary chemicals into his mouth. Honestly, it inspired me. I’ve had a difficult time eating well myself (you saw the picture), and since spending time with him I can say that my entire perspective has changed. I’ve been eating extremely well and sweating regularly through working out since being back from the trip, and it doesn’t feel like a chore. I already feel so much more energy, and my brain function seems to be much higher now. It is true that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. You’re worth doing this, too.

Live your life like a work of art. Joe likes to have fun. He takes cool trips. He buys nice things. His home is magnificent, with an inspiring view. He gets to do what he wants. The work he does funds a fantastic life-style. What he has is deserved. I was struck while walking though his home that the ideas in his head were directly responsible for such a beautiful place. He also practices what he preaches when it comes to doing business daily. He teaches that businesses should be ELF. That is, Easy, Lucrative, and Fun. If it’s not fun, and you hate what you’re doing—even if it’s profitable—that’s no way to go through life. I saw him turn down a potential business partnership that would potentially be worth a lot of money, because it would take too much time and effort, and he’d have to work with someone that wouldn’t be giving it their full attention. I learned from that. The whole idea is that your business should work for you, and should fund an incredible life. A life of substance and style.

Treat Everyone with Kindness. Don't make enemies. There’s never really any need to do that. He told me the well known maxim, "Be nice to the people you meet on the way up, because they're the same ones you meet on the way down.” He lives those words. I got to see him interact playfully with servers, and folks on his staff, and he’s just a great guy to be around. He is genuinely nice. If you ever want to see how a person truly is, in their heart, see how they treat people that can do nothing for them. Joe talks and acts the same with a cashier as he does with the owner of a $100 Million company. On a personal note, he met me with a big hug after corresponding over the idea for I felt genuinely welcomed, and never out of place with such a fantastic group of people. Yes, your Mom always told you to say, “please,” and, “thank you.” Do it. Be like Joe.

BUT, Don’t put up with Mediocrity. I watched Joe make a decision concerning someone that wasn’t working out after a fairly short time in a venture. He came to the conclusion because they didn’t do what he had asked. They didn’t even try, even though the instructions were specific. It was evident immediately that this person wasn’t a match with what Joe was trying to do, and even though the person was very nice, Joe made the decision to respectfully part ways. Sooner rather than later. Honestly, how many times do we put accept less than acceptable results from those that work with us? Especially if they’ve been around for a while, and it’s harder to part ways the longer the relationship lasts? Joe knows what he wants, and he expects the best of those that work with him. We can save years of heartache if we learn from this lesson.

Use proven tools and techniques. I got to witness Joe start up on a project, and one of the first things he did was pull out an, “Impact Filter,” from Strategic Coach. It’s a tool that helps one get clear on the goals of an enterprise or idea. He’s used it before, and recommends it to others that work with him. It’s the starting point. He knows it works, and once you’ve tested what works, you use it again and again. It’s true in marketing, and it’s true in life. He showed me a quick checklist that an ultra-successful marketer used in a letter writing campaign, and it was surprisingly simple. And brilliant. And it worked many times before. So he was using it again, and will probably expect the same phenomenal results. How many times have you abandoned something that was working because something newer and flashy came down the road? Well, here’s someone telling you that you need to stick to the tried and true.

Ignore Convention, and Do What Works. Yes, I said this was a list of 10 things I learned, but I couldn’t stop—so, I just need to beg forgiveness rather than asking for permission. I heard Joe say that many entrepreneurs have a Ready, Fire, Aim, FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Mentality. When coming up with a new business idea or project, he wants to go full bore and allow the idea to flourish before the lawyers come along and say, “how about this rare circumstance.” The way he put it was that the idea needed to grow and develop roots before it was attacked by the naysayers. Many of the greatest businesses in the world were started while others said they couldn’t work. Of course, that doesn’t mean you ignore the obstacles—but it means that you set sail and go for it rather than sitting around and wondering about everything that can go wrong. Do you have an idea? Take some action. Get that first customer, and THEN flesh it out, and iterate and get better. That’s the advice I received on our venture, and we’re following that. I’m so grateful to have learned this.

Keep GREAT company. Wow, this may be the most powerful thing that I learned. I got a chance to sit in with many in Joe’s “$25K Group,” and the collective mind power in that room was breathtaking. I’m pretty sure that my mouth was open in awe at least some of the time (it’s not a good look, but I couldn’t help it). These folks were so successful, so accomplished—and yet they were very approachable and interested in helping each other. Just being with them made me raise my game, be more focused, and to learn absolutely everything I could. I took notes furiously the entire time, and came away with truly life-changing ideas. That’s not hyperbole. It’s genuine fact. I would say, with confidence, that anyone on the face of the planet would learn from the gathering of these giants. This is the exponential power of many minds working towards improving things in each others’ businesses and life. If you have the resources and can qualify, I’d recommend this venue to every entrepreneur I could. P.S. I’m not paid for this, and I only say it because it’s true and could certainly help ANY business. Thank you for teaching me this, Joe.