It's All A Miracle
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ― Attributed to Albert Einstein (but probably wasn't said by him)
I want to let you all in on a secret: it's ALL a miracle.
The sun rose, providing the relatively narrow band of temperature that most life needs to survive. By grace, we are in the precisely, perfect orbit to neither freeze nor burn.
We all woke up (well, eventually) from a condition where our nervous system laid mostly inactive, our eyes were closed, and our consciousness was practically suspended--all naturally.
We will probably breathe over 20,000 times today, and our hearts will most likely beat over 100,000 times. And we don't even have to think about it.
We have the ability to see, to touch and feel what is essentially space--just electrons circling nuclei (also probably in a precise, perfect orbit).
We see and hear our loved ones. The sounds of their voice vibrations are collected by our ears and their thoughts are translated into meaningful images and concepts in our own brains.
Chemicals combine in our bodies to give us the absolute, quantifiable feeling of love.
We will most likely get into a car today. A several thousand pound piece of steel, that was made of ore dug from the ground and refined to a sophisticated machine that can routinely move at 75 miles per hour, weaving agilely through hundreds of other cars guided only by painted lines. And we probably won't die from this.
We can gather with friends or family and eat food that was once living, and now sustains us, while sitting in air that's been, "conditioned," for our comfort. We will talk, and some thought impulses will cause us to laugh involuntarily. We'll move all of the atoms of our body to hug someone else's bodily collection of atoms.
We will absolutely look at a glowing screen, where thoughts and ideas are coded into 1s and 0s, transmitted as if by magic from the device I'm writing on to yours, and decoded into an intricate language that you understand. So that you can understand, at some later point in time what was going on in my mind as I type these thoughts.
Maybe the most impressive thing is that we have the God-like ability of our own sentient thought, and of free will--and imagination!
It's ALL a miracle.
Wrap your miraculous mind around that fact, and make a decision to grateful for it.